160/365 Portrait of a Young Woman



I met Katherine at the university. I was teaching the course Design Issues in Digital Media and she was a student. I eventually left the university and she eventually graduated. We both love art and will get together on occasion to attend art showings then go to a pub afterwards and drink beer and eat nachos.

She needed photos for her final capstone project so we went out on a blustery Saturday afternoon in April last year where we found some great wall art we could use as a backdrop. We also checked out some nearby graffiti sites. Katherine’s objective was to get unusual shots that showed her creativity and exuberance. We did. But I also like the more sedate photos, like this one.

About Dezra Despain

In search of every day escapades.

Posted on April 10, 2012, in 365 Days Journey Through the Past and tagged , , , . Bookmark the permalink. 9 Comments.

  1. What a nice portrait, and her exuberance is there for anyone to see. It looks like she has enough energy to fuel three other people!

    • OMG, she has enough energy to fuel the entire world! I love her dearly, I do. She is a gift to me. I have used her image in many other projects, bless her heart. Some day I want to be a portrait photographer. Someday….

  2. I really like your photography, Dezra. You have a natural eye – I don’t. πŸ™‚

    • You’re joking, right? You have an eye for something that eludes me….nature. I can only hope one day to see what you see. One day, I will somehow show you my ostrich hat draped in daisies. It may not be a wallaby, but I expect PINK and I’m not sure Wallaby comes in pink…..

      • I might have an eye for nature, but I don’t see inanimate objects and people like you do. When I look at your images, I can see what you see; otherwise, I just miss the significance of the moment that you are so good at capturing. πŸ™‚

      • I see what you’re saying. We each have our own vision and that vision is valid. You have an eye for nature, which I don’t have and probably won”t acquire because that’s not my focus. But I sure love seeing what you post and how it relates to the marsh. Your marsh is very much alive to me. Thank you for the compliment. I really appreciate it.

  3. This is great portrait photography!

  1. Pingback: 208/365 I Don’t Know What This Fabric Is But It Makes For a Great Abstract « Dezra Despain

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